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Catatan dari perjalanan menjemput panen pisang di rumah seorang seniman dan petani
Pagi itu saya pergi ke Kulonprogo untuk menjemput hasil panen pisang karena saya kehabisan stok untuk minggu itu. Tiba-tiba, hanya dalam waktu dua hari, hasil panen pisang yang sebelumnya saya ambil sudah habis terjual. Sore sebelumnya, saya menelepon Pak Ustaz Sofyan untuk menanyakan apakah panen pisang masih tersedia. Malam harinya, Pak Ustaz Sofyan mengabarkan bahwa hasil panen pisang masih tersedia. Keesokan harinya, saya pergi ke rumah beliau untuk mengambil hasil panen pisang. Sesaat sebelum saya pergi, Pak Ustaz Sofyan mengirim pesan melalui aplikasi chatting. Dia meminta saya untuk melihat karya seni yang telah dibuatnya di rumah. Dekorasi taman, kolam ikan, dan mural di rumahnya.
Panen pisang yang saya ambil cukup banyak. Pisang-pisang itu dipetik langsung dari kebun di Kulonprogo dalam keadaan masih mentah. Pak ustaz bilang, mungkin dalam 2-3 hari ke depan pisang itu akan matang. Saya pikir, masa kematangan itu bagus untuk masa penjualan. Sehingga saya tidak buru-buru khawatir akan segera layu, karena umurnya masih panjang. Sepulang dari rumah Pak Ustaz Sofyan, saya langsung mengantarkan beberapa pesanan pisang. Pisang-pisang ini membawa saya kembali ke jejak pekerjaan sang Ustaz sebagai seniman dan petani.
Notes from a trip to pick up the banana harvest at the home of an artist and farmer
That morning I went to Kulonprogo to pick up the banana harvest because I had run out of stock for that week. Suddenly, in just two days, the bananas that I had picked up had been sold out. The afternoon before, I called Mr. Ustaz Sofyan to ask if the banana harvest was still available. In the evening, Mr. Ustaz Sofyan informed me that the banana harvest was still available. The next day, I went to his house to pick up the banana harvest. Shortly before I left, Mr. Ustaz Sofyan sent a message through the chat application. He asked me to take a look at the artwork he had created at home. Garden decorations, fish ponds, and murals in his house.
Arriving at Ustaz Sofyan’s house, I met his parents. He helped me to prepare the harvest in his garage. That morning it turned out that Mr. Ustaz Sofyan had a farming schedule, so I could not meet him. After I finished putting the banana harvest into the trunk of the car. I took a look at the fish pond and the mural in the garage as directed by Mr. Ustaz Sofyan. I was quite amazed to see the creation of the decorations. The flower garden setting complete with tombro fish that filled the pond, made the corner of the pond look alive and beautiful. A few years ago, I had a casual chat with him. He told me about his time studying fine arts at the Yogyakarta Secondary School of Fine Arts (SMSR). Apart from studying at the vocational school, at that time Pak Ustaz Sofyan also helped his neighbor Pak Herwanto’s sculpture workshop. However, when Mr. Ustaz Sofyan studied religion, he no longer made sculptures and images in human form. He then worked more on garden decoration accents, even to this day. However, this activity is only a side job, because Mr. Ustaz Sofyan’s main job is as a farmer.
I still see traces of Mr. Ustaz Sofyan’s interest in art. The house he currently lives in with his family looks very organized. Likewise, the cloud motif mural that he drew in the garage of the house looks quite neat and artistic in shape and color. Although the garage is filled with sacks of harvested stingrays for rice supplies, that is where the true value and function of art meet. I took the time to document what I saw as directed by Ustaz Sofyan. I told him that his work was very good. I thought, if someday I have the opportunity to work on the decoration of an event or place, I will invite Mr. Ustaz Sofyan to collaborate in the process.
I harvested quite a lot of bananas. The bananas were picked directly from the garden in Kulonprogo in an unripe state. Mr. Ustaz Sofyan said, maybe in the next 2-3 days the bananas would ripen. I thought that the ripening period was good for the selling period. So I didn’t rush to worry that it would soon wither, because it still had a long life. After returning from Ustaz Sofyan’s house, I immediately delivered several orders of bananas. These bananas brought me back to the footsteps of Mr. Ustaz Sofyan works as an artist and farmer.
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